2 min readAug 13, 2020


My alarm went off as usual at 6 am this morning as I had set it to join devotion. I sluggishly got out of bed to where my phone was to stop the alarm. I got back on the bed to tune in to Triumph30 live devotion but then I remembered my data was exhausted already, oh well.

I lay down on my bed again (which was certainly a bad idea) to pray. I muttered a few words and prayed in the Spirit. And that was it; I drifted back to sleep. Lol. I knew I couldn’t pray while lying down — not to talk of lying on my bed, haha. I have not mastered the art of praying while lying down (tears). I woke up again at past 8 and immediately I felt guilt, lol. I quickly shut the feeling. I won’t let the devil have that chance over my emotions. Instead of feeling guilty, I started praying. I went downstairs to check a few things, went back to my room, and started studying the scriptures.

I want to point out two things and I will be honest. Firstly, I kind of felt relieved my data was exhausted at that moment I realized it (I still wanted to sleep) but I shook that feeling immediately and that was when I started muttering those words. I’m really being intentional about my prayer life these days. In the past few months, I have been seeing emphases on having a good prayer life. I knew I had to buckle up. But I was and still fighting laziness. But glory to God, I’m conscious of this flaw and I’m working whilst depending on the Holy Spirit to get better at it.

Secondly, the feeling of guilt. When the devil sees you are trying to break free from a particular bad habit, he comes in another way to attack. I know Satan that you are not resting and you are bent on attacking our faith but I just want to say you are a sore loser. He tried to make me feel guilty about drifting to sleep instead of praying but thanks to God, I’m not ignorant of his tricks. I know God doesn’t love me any less for drifting to sleep. Instead of wallowing in guilt, I’ll continue the prayers or whatever I got distracted from. I won’t give the devil a foothold in my life. Someone that’s a loser.

I just want to encourage you. Be conscious of the tricks of the devil, why? Because you are not ignorant of it. The Spirit of God is there to make you discern, acknowledge Him.


Written by Aderonke

Christian. I write articles and short stories.

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